Cheating; Which gender cheats the most in relationships?

Over the years, I have heard and seen different discussions, contentions and social media posts calling out either the males or females as the most unfaithful in relationships. Some sayings from these postulations have lasted years that they sound just like precepts. For instance, "men are scum" , "all men cheat, you just have to accept it", "fear women", "the fear of women is the beginning of wisdom",
"All women are whores", "all men are dogs".

It's possible one or two past relationships have at a point, validated one or more of these believes. 

Some people have completely accepted the fact that all women/men are the same so they make up their minds to just accept one as the "whore/scum" that he or she is.

Others have allowed this mindset, affect subsequent relationships. They saw a whore lying/ scum lying in misunderstandings, they saw cheats in situations that were beyond their partner's control, some choosed their beliefs over their partner's explanations, while some walked away without giving their partners a chance to explain.

There are lots of stories of men that have been heartbroken by women, same for women who have been scarred for life by men.

If both gender have experienced pain from the opposite gender, who then is the biggest cheat in relationships?

My answer? Nobody.

 You generalised.
Men cheat, women cheat.
There are amazing men out there, there are amazing women out there.Some men are evil, some women are terrible.

Act of evil is not associated with the gender but the individual.
We have our gender differences, we also have individual differences. These are meant to compliment the each other even though that's not always the case.

Don't let events of the past, no matter how painful, Rob you of the joy prepared for you in future.

Believe you will meet someone who completely fits into your type of person and won't take advantage of your vulnerability.
That's all we need to do.

So many things, good n bad, have been done to some women by men, so many, good and bad, have been done to men by women.

This will never end. But we can end the Circle of scoring a particular gender points in who is more Black-hearted, who is to be more dreaded.

Many have been heartbroken, but guess what? Some have healed, many forgave themselves and forgave their partner and moved on, many gave second, third and fourth chances till they got the best man/woman, many found out that they had their faults and decided to work on their weakness and you know what? These people are happy.

The summary of all am trying to say is not all men are scum, not all women are whores, cheating is an individual thing not a gender thing.

I pray this brings you peace❤️


  1. It's great to see a lady with no sentimental view on this. Nice work dear.

  2. Nice one dear.
    I guess I need to change my mindset and try again. Thank you for this.


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